Cleyrop, winner of the Groupe Caisse des Dépôts TechSprint.

17 Jul 2023 | Events

Cleyrop has won two out of the six winning projects in this challenge launched to promote the development of innovative data services for the country's ecological transformation

On Tuesday, July 4th, the jury composed of Clara Chappaz (Director of FrenchTech), Baptiste Perrisin-Fabert (Interim Deputy Director General, Executive Director of Expertise and Programs, ADEME), Paul-François Fournier (Executive Director, Bpifrance), Jean-Claude Laroche (President, CIGREF), Laurent Hassid (CEO and reporter of the TechSprint expert committee, Go to Impact) deliberated. Evaluated on various criteria such as impact, value proposition, sovereignty, eco-design, and strategy, Cleyrop won two out of the six winning projects among 33 submissions in this challenge launched to promote the development of innovative data services for the country’s ecological transformation.

The MobilCVL Project

Part of the #ClimateDataHub initiative led by the Centre-Val de Loire Region, this project proposes to implement a solution for collecting, enhancing, and presenting mobility data of high school students, in order to provide the Region with relevant dashboards to establish a decarbonization plan for mobility. Currently, the Centre-Val de Loire Region lacks tools that offer homogeneous, centralized, and real data to develop a realistic decarbonization plan for mobility in connection with educational institutions.

The objective over the next 5 years is twofold:

  1. Reduce the impact of mobility related to high schools by 10 points.
  2. Expand the MobilCVL use case to other impactful subjects (such as mobility and tourism) for ecological transition and make the Climate datahub platform the reference for managing the subject within the Region.

MobilCVL will also accelerate the Climate datahub initiative, fully committed to serving the ecological transition of the region and experimenting with a sovereign datahub solution adhering to the Gaia-X standards. This use case was developed with Transdev, Orange, and Ekimetrics.

Green Tourism Target

In 2022, historic water consumption restrictions were put in place for recreational activities, and this trend is accelerating in territories facing water stress, often in popular tourist destinations. However, tourism professionals lack a consolidated and up-to-date view of their consumption of scarce resources (energy, water, etc.), which limits the ability of public authorities to act.

Green Tourism Target will provide a dashboard and simulator to target and evaluate public policies aimed at resource management, particularly water. The goal over the next 5 years is to align tourism with the national environmental goals (Plan Eau).

This solution is part of the France Tourisme Observation platform, created by Atout France (the French agency responsible for tourism development) in collaboration with the Cleyrop datahub, Enedis, and Suez, aiming to manage, revitalize, and transform the French tourism sector by pooling data from all its actors.

“With the ambition of guiding tourism towards resource sobriety, we convinced the TechSprint jury, a challenge aimed at promoting the development of innovative data services for accelerating the country’s ecological transformation. Faced with historic water consumption restrictions for recreational activities and an increasing need for resource sobriety, territories and tourism professionals lack a consolidated and up-to-date view of their consumption of scarce resources (energy, water, etc.), which limits their ability to act. With our #GreenTourismTarget project, we want to provide them with a dashboard and simulator to target and evaluate public policies aimed at reducing consumption,” comments Stéphane Messika, President, and Co-founder of Cleyrop.

For access to the press release from the Groupe Caisse des Dépôts, click on the link.

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